Lotta Love Superfoodbar

Açaí Bowl Recipe

• 2 x 100g frozen açaí puree (Juice Pads)
• 100g banana
• 2 x table spoon frozen blueberries
• Sweet to taste with agave syrup or honey
• Garnish with granola, fruit, nuts etc.

Take the frozen fruit purees (Juice Pads) out of your freezer about
10 minutes before use (or briefly keep them under warm water),
then quarter them and put them into the blender while they are still
frozen. Add the other ingredients and mix for approx. 60-90
seconds (preferably using the crush function of your blender first).
Then pour the finished mixture into a bowl and garnish to taste.
Your fresh açaí bowl is ready!

Tip: The amount of liquid required to get the perfect result depends
on your blender. If 100ml of apple juice does not give the desired
result, the amount can be varied accordingly

Pitaya Bowl Recipe

• 1 x 100g pitaya fruit puree (Juice Pads)
• 1 x 100g pineapple fruit puree (Juice Pads)
• 100g banana
• Sweet to taste with agave syrup or honey
• Garnish with granola, fruit, nuts etc.

Cut the frozen fruit purees (Juice Pads) in quarters and put them
into the blender while they are still frozen. Add the other ingredients
and mix for approx. 60-90 seconds (preferably using the crush
function of your blender first). Then pour the finished mixture into a
bowl and garnish to taste.

Tip: The amount of liquid required to get the perfect result depends
on your blender. If 70ml of almond milk does not give the desired
result, the amount can be varied accordingly

Graviola Bowl Recipe

• 2 x 100g frozen açaí puree (Juice Pads)
• 100g banana
• 2 x table spoon frozen blueberries
• Sweet to taste with agave syrup or honey
• Garnish with granola, fruit, nuts etc.

Take the frozen fruit purees (Juice Pads) out of your freezer about
10 minutes before use (or briefly keep them under warm water),
then quarter them and put them into the blender while they are still
frozen. Add the other ingredients and mix for approx. 60-90
seconds (preferably using the crush function of your blender first).
Then pour the finished mixture into a bowl and garnish to taste.
Your fresh açaí bowl is ready!

Tip: The amount of liquid required to get the perfect result depends
on your blender. If 100ml of apple juice does not give the desired
result, the amount can be varied accordingly

Smoothie recipes

The wonderful scent of freshly squeezed juices, the aroma and
bright colours of the purees, the variety of exotic fruits, the intense,
authentic taste, the healthy ingredients: all this makes freshly mixed
smoothies a special treat.
With our fruit purees and smoothie packs you can easily prepare
delicious smoothies in your blender. Try out some of our smoothie
recipes and let your creativity run wild afterwards!

Açaí smoothie recipe

• 100g frozen acai fruit puree (Juice Pads)
• 100g frozen mango fruit puree (Juice Pads) or 100g frozen
• Ca. 150ml apple juice
• Sweet to taste with agave syrup or honey

Cut the frozen fruit purees (Juice Pads) in quarters and put them
into the blender while they are still frozen. Add the other ingredients
and mix for approx. 60-90 seconds (preferably using the crush
function of your blender first). Serve fresh.

Tip: If the purees are frozen too hard, let them thaw for about 10
minutes or hold them briefly under warm water.

Caja smoothie recipe

• 100g caja fruit puree (Juice Pads)
• 100g mango fruit puree (Juice Pads)
• 100g banana
• Ca. 200ml almond milk
• Sweet to taste with agave syrup or honey

Cut the frozen fruit purees (Juice Pads) in quarters and put them
into the blender while they are still frozen. Add the other ingredients
and mix for approx. 60-90 seconds (preferably using the crush
function of your blender first). Serve fresh.

Tip: If the purees are frozen too hard, let them thaw for about 10
minutes or hold them briefly under warm water.

Pitaya smoothie recipe

• 100g pitaya fruit puree (Juice Pads)
• 50g pineapple fruit puree (Juice Pads)
• 100g raspberry frozen
• 100g banana
• Ca. 200ml almond milk
• Sweet to taste with agave syrup or honey

Cut the frozen fruit purees (Juice Pads) in quarters and put them
into the blender while they are still frozen. Add the other ingredients
and mix for approx. 60-90 seconds (preferably using the crush
function of your blender first). Serve fresh.

Tip: If the purees are frozen too hard, let them thaw for about 10
minutes or hold them briefly under warm water.